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Who is your target audience for a Capability Statement

Updated: Jul 1, 2021

Who is the target audience for a capability statement?

In this blog series I will attempt to answer the question of ‘Who is the target audience for a capability statement?’

For the purpose of this series I have divided the answer into 2 categories:

  • Government; and

  • Private Enterprise

While there are similarities for each category there are some notable differences so I though it would be less confusing to categorise the answer into two categories. Therefore depending on your business strategy you could read the post which is most applicable to your business.

It is also important to note that with procurement, tendering and business development there is no hard and fast rule, there is always a degree of flexibility and what one government department or private company may do, may not necessary mean that another does exactly the same. So this is why it is always important to do your homework on who you are targeting so that you ensure you get the best return for you investment of time and money.

So let’s jump straight in and find out about Part 1 to this series.

Part 1 - Government

So, who is the target audience for a capability statement in government?

This really depends on what goods and services your business provides and what your goals are in growing your business.

For example if you are a small civil contractor looking to expand your business opportunities and have decided that you would like to target government departments, then your capability statement needs to reflect this.

Depending on the government department that you believe your good and services best align too, then it is best to find out what the process is before you begin to strategise on how to best convey your message.

Some government departments may have what is called a pre-qualification process or a preferred sub-contractor/contractor list where you are then required to apply for what is commonly known as a Standing Offer Arrangement or SOA or a Panel of Preferred Suppliers. However before all of this happens, this is generally where the need for a robust and target capability statement comes in.

It is important to keep in mind that not all government departments are the same and some will be very familiar with capability statements, where other departments may not be.

As the first point of contact the capability statement is used as a communication tool to portray the competencies of your business. You could liken it to having a resume for your business. It is vital that your capability statement has a clear and concise message and is not cluttered and full of pointless ramblings.

The most likely personal who would be reading your capability statement would be positions such a

  • Project Managers

  • Project Engineers

  • Estimators

  • Procurement Offices

  • Contract Officers

  • Directors

  • Services Directors

  • Executive & Departmental Heads

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